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Chapter 11 More clothes shopping
Susan didn’t say a word the next morning, neither about how embarrassed she was, nor how much she enjoyed it. I didn’t either.
‘Shall we go to Small Things this afternoon,’ I suggested, ‘and maybe the adult shop tomorrow. Hopefully you will have some clothes to try on.’
She nodded, ‘Are we alright for money,’
‘Sure, you can spend loads. Don’t forget we have the bonus for Saturday night due to arrive today or tomorrow. It will be a few hundred I am betting.’
I thought it would be a good idea to have a couple of drinks before we went shopping so we popped into the pub and I bought her a gin and tonic and me a pint. We spent an hour having a couple more drinks and looking at the other flats and their archives.
‘What are you going to wear to see Joanne and Pete?’
‘I hadn’t really thought. Maybe that nice black mini with a posh blouse over it, and definitely matching undies.’
‘What was she wearing when we were over at their place.’
‘I don’t really remember,’ she lied.
‘Really,’ I said. ‘You don’t remember that she was wearing almost exactly the same as you just suggested?’
Susan had the grace to look ashamed. ‘Oh yes, she was wasn’t she. Still I don’t want to compete in the most undressed hostess competition. I want to look classy.’
‘You looked pretty classy last night with your legs open in front of the camera.’
She tried to pretend that she didn’t remember it, so I laughed.
‘Anyway, you don’t need to worry about what you are wearing because I will choose it for you. Just drink up, let us go to Small Things and start buying.’
We strolled around the shop each with a small basket.
I deliberately moved away from Susan as I didn’t want her to know what I wanted her to wear just yet. I would go through her basket before I went to the till with it.
She was wearing her usual mini-skirt and t-shirt, no bra and a pair of bikini panties. I knew as I had laid them out earlier. Pretty ordinary wear nowadays for her.
I was looking forward to the next half hour or so. I had chosen some nice undies and she knew that I would want to see it all on and that the changing rooms led directly into the store. The only drawback as far as I was concerned is that unlike the classy Lace n’Easy, there were no seats so I would need to lean against the wall. Of course, that did mean that I was standing quite a few yards away from her changing cubicle. She would need to come out at least a dozen paces. I did stand by a full-length mirror.
The first few things she tried on were t-shirts and panties. She looked gorgeous of course but I had to shake my head. ‘Now sweetie, you know that is not what we are here for. Let’s compromise, why don’t you put those three back and keep the pink one with glitter. It does look nice on you and you can even wear that home to see your mum. Now why don’t you try out the two t-shirts I put in for you. There’s a white one and a green one. The green one I think will look particularly nice with your red hair, but try the white one first.’
‘Are you sure about these,’ I heard from the changing cubicle.
‘Maybe not, if they are not suitable. Let me see.’
She came out wearing the white one. It came down just below her panties so I did comment that it was rather long.
‘That’s not the problem and you know it. Look at the armholes, they come down to my waist and will show everyone my tits if I raise my arms or move, and as for leaning forward. Well, it is so loose at the top that if I lean over slightly you can see right down to my waist from the front and sides. I would need to wear a bra with it.’
‘I don’t think so darling, you would see it and it would look so ugly. It is quite high cut across the chest. Lean towards me and show me.’
‘Wow,’ I thought. She was right. Leaning forward did expose her right down to her tummy button.
‘No that’s fine if you don’t mind it being a bit long. Try the green one on next. You might try it with the green panties I put in the basket.’
I was joined in the waiting area by a couple in their forties with what was probably their daughter. She was probably in her late teens or early twenties, a year or two younger than us, and frankly a bit tartily dressed. She had a micro-mini skirt on and a t-shirt that looked remarkably similar to the white one that Susan had just tried on. But she had a small black bra on under it. She looked bored and was listening to music on her earphones. The mother went into the cubicle with a small pile of clothes. I suspected they were going to be there a while.
I heard a small voice from the cubicle. ‘Alex are you sure about this?’
‘Well, not definitely, not without seeing it on.’ I had to stifle my laughter.
There was a groan before the cubicle door opened. The gin and tonics had obviously not worked.
She was horrified to see the father and daughter standing there and paused halfway out of the cubicle. Now she could see me, fatih escort bayan if not laughing, at least with a very big grin. Something clicked in her mind. I don’t think it was the gins, I think it was a new-found spirit, if not confidence. She also knew that as I had chosen both these pieces I would want to buy them
‘What do you think darling,’ she said. ‘The panties look fine, if not a bit see-through, but I am really not sure about the t-shirt it is very tart…’
She had seen the similar shirt that the girl was wearing.
‘I mean it is very… Tight.’
Now I laughed. Tight it was not. Low cut at the front, scooped just over the top of her tits, thin straps over the shoulders, armholes down to the waist again and short. It came to just over her belly button. The green colour was lovely and matched the skimpy, see-through bikini panties that she was wearing.
‘Too tight? You want it to be looser,’ I said. ‘Stay there and I will see if they have a bigger size. Lean towards me and let me see.’
‘Maybe it is okay,’ she said looking sideways at the girl standing there. The father looked somewhere between embarrassed and incredulous.
‘Dad,’ said the girl. ‘I am not sure you should be in here if there are a lot of women trying on underwear. Perhaps it would be better if you waited outside.’
I could see he did not want to go and I was torn between letting him go and involving the girl in my decisions or telling him that he was fine where he was and perhaps he could help me. I decided that the girl might just be embarrassed herself with her Dad there and so decided to let him go.
I could see him reluctantly walking away.
The girl slipped her phones out of her ears.
‘Awesome,’ she said. ‘You look awesome.’
‘Thank you,’ said Susan. ‘I am not quite as sure about it as maybe you are. Perhaps if I was wearing a bra like you are…’
‘Fuck no,’ said the girl. ‘If you’ve gott’em, flaunt ’em.’ She said quietly, ‘I wish I could go around like that but my mother would blow. I could talk my Dad into letting me I’m sure.’
‘If it’s any help to you, go and get him and say that my wife doesn’t mind him being here. Maybe you can explain to him that is what young people are wearing nowadays.
She thought about that and grinned. ‘You don’t mind?’ she looked at Susan.
I was about to answer for her and paused to see what would happen. Would she prevaricate. ‘No that would be fine,’ she said. ‘But there are a lot more items in the basket and some of them may be even raunchier.’ I wondered whether she had been guessing or had looked through the whole basket.
‘I’ll be right back.’
She was tugging her now reluctant dad behind her.
I held my hand out to him. ‘Alex, oh and Susan. We would really appreciate your help whether you think these clothes are attractive.’
‘Stan,’ he said. ‘And Tracy. Look I am not an expert on fashions. I wear what the wife tells me.’
‘I can see that,’ I said. And we all laughed.
That seemed to break the ice.
‘So, what do you think of this little outfit. Take a good look. Susan, spin around and show us your… the back. And now face us again and lean fotwards, just in case it really does show everything. We will tell you if it does.’
She bent towards us. You could see all the way to her feet, via her beautiful boobies.
‘Well you do get a bit of décolletage, but it would be great for clubbing. Eh Stan.’
‘You would wear this out in a night club?’
‘Oh sure,’ Susan said playing along. ‘I might wear a skirt to and from the club but even those lovely little things make it so difficult for dancing. And you know what happens when you wear a short skirt?’
‘No,’ he said.
‘Men try to look up it. So, if you are not wearing one they can’t.’
‘That makes sense I guess,’ he said. ‘So does everyone wear that sort of thing?’
‘Oh yes. If I was going shopping to a mall or somewhere crowded I might wear a bra like Susan does but the problem at a club is having to check it with your coat. They tend to disappear. Isn’t that right Tracy?’
Tracy was now trying not to laugh.
‘Why don’t you show him the outfit with the bra dear. The grey one with the grey bra and panties.’
She patently hadn’t looked through the basket as she did not know what I was talking about.
‘Shout if they are not obvious.’ I said.
She disappeared back into the changing cubicle.
‘I guess Tracy doesn’t wear a bra all the time at home Stan. With a nice pair of tits like she’s got it would be quite a waste wouldn’t it.’ I elbowed him in the ribs and winked.
‘Well she normally does.’
‘Really. And you don’t put your foot down and insist that she doesn’t? You must be strong. You are the master in your house aren’t you? Anyway, it would be good for Tracy. It is character and confidence building and she may not make friends if she appears to be different. Does she bring many friends home?’
‘Well sarıyer escort bayan no not really.’
‘Well that’s why. She would be embarrassed if they all turn up with their tits showing and you and your good wife look embarrassed about it. You must move with the times. We are in the twenty first century now. You wouldn’t mind having half a dozen girls walking around your house with their tits hanging out, would you?’ I nudged him again. ‘No, I didn’t think you would mind. And what about the panties. What sort of panties does Tracy wear?’
They both looked a bit surprised by the turn of the conversation.
‘Errr I don’t really know. I err… have never seen them. Small I expect.’
I smiled and nudged him yet again in the ribs. ‘You mean you have never looked in the laundry basket and given them a sniff? Or seen them lying around the bathroom after being rinsed out?’
He went very red.
‘Yes, I thought so. So which ones have you got on today Tracy? Show us.’
I thought I would see how brave Tracy really was.
Good girl. She stood in front of us, raised her skirt to the waist and gave us a little spin. Without me even asking. Stan’s eyes were bulging. She had a plain white g-string on. She did have a lovely bum.
‘There. I’ll bet you have seen them before haven’t you? And I’ll bet you didn’t confuse them with the wife’s.’
On that they both burst into laughter.
‘Not quite the same style.’ Jim said.
‘And I’ll bet they don’t smell as good either Dad. Did you like the little yellow ones I left in there yesterday? I had been clubbing with them on and I’ll bet they were very smelly weren’t they.’
Jim just stayed beetroot coloured and was saved from answering by Susan coming back out.
The light grey scooped t-shirt she had on was snug fitting, and fluffy like mohair. When I say scooped, it was actually scooped below her breasts, so were it not for her bra she would have been effectively topless. She wore a lovely silk grey, quarter bra which supported and presented her tits rather than cover them. Her nipples were as hard as nails and probably sitting an inch above the half inch of lace on the top of the bra. The g-string was a matching grey colour but the strap coming up from between her legs was merely a half inch grey satin band with the matching half inch of lace either side. And that was only at the front. The back was just the satin band.
Stan’s face was a picture.
‘And where would you wear that?’ he spluttered.
This had Susan stumped. Whichever quick answers she was ready to give this was not a question she expected.
I saw my chance. ‘Entertaining,’ I said. ‘When we have people round. Drinks evenings. That sort of thing.’ Luckily Stan was looking at me and didn’t see Susan’s look of horror. ‘But what she would probably do is put a little lipstick on her nipples to make them a little redder and make them stand out more. Feel this left one Stan. Firm it up a little and imagine it with lipstick on. And no, you cannot kiss it to taste it.’
I thought that would be step too far for him anyway, but recognised that it would make him think about it. He seemed to be in a daze as he felt it as I suggested.
Hell, if he was going to feel mine, I was going to feel his.
Tracy had been standing awestruck, still holding her skirt around her waist as she had been left out of the conversation until now. I pushed my hand through the side of her low-cut vest and into her bra, firmly grasping her left nipple.
‘There Jim, feel this one as well. Feel the difference, softer, more girly like, but still tightens up beautifully with a little manipulation. Show him Trace, lift your bra over your tits, there’s a good girl.’
I was staggered now. She did as I asked, looking at her Dad with loving eyes. He was quick to drop Susan’s nipple and play with both of his daughter’s. He sighed deeply. I suspected that he had just achieved a long-held desire.
‘By the way guys, I hate to break up this party, but I did hear the lady in the next cubicle to me say, ‘the last one,’ so I suspect she may be out sooner rather than later.’
Tracy’s boobs disappeared back into her bra and top and her skirt was rapidly straightened.
I pulled a pen out of my pocket and grabbed Tracy’s hand. I wrote my cell-phone number on it. ‘Come and visit us. We are only a couple of streets away. You can see Susan’s entertaining outfits again. Bring your boyfriend if you like, or your Dad.’
I tried to look serious but we all laughed. I didn’t want to upset him, so I said. ‘No seriously, you can bring him and your boyfriend and we will invite a few more people and have a party. Probably leave the wife at home Stan, unless by then you have put your foot down as I have. You never know, mine was a shy little thing once. You might turn yours into a raving nympho like mine.’
I knew I was building up a pile of apologies that I would have to offer the moment Stan and Tracy left. Susan left umraniye escort to go back to the cubicle as Mum left hers. She was obviously not quite sure what she had seen but didn’t like it anyway.
‘Did you see that?’ she expostulated.
‘Yes, we did dear. That was Susan and she looked very attractive. Have you finished yet, or are you going to try some more clothes on?’
Rather than wait for an answer he walked, head proudly in the air, his daughter close beside him. He expected his wife to follow on. I wondered whether life would still be the same in their household in the future.
I watched him go before I heard a voice in my ear. ‘Have you finished chatting up girls and as for inviting her father to an orgy, well…’
She was wearing a delightful tight fitting, mohair, ivory coloured wifebeater and matching boy shorts.
‘That looks lovely,’ I said. ‘Doesn’t it. It really does. Perfect for entertaining. I am sorry about all the crap I came out with, although it was really funny, wasn’t it? Your face, when I said you should wear the topless outfit for entertaining, was a picture. And as for the nipples well, maybe not such a bad idea.’
She slapped my arm. ‘You are forgiven… This time. Especially if you buy me this outfit. It will be nice to wear around the flat. The only thing that worries me is that it is too clingy. You can see my camel toe and my nipples are sticking right out it is so soft.’
‘That makes it just perfect. Come on let’s get out of here. Just go and get the basket and we will buy all the rest sight unseen. You look lovely in everything.’
All this was true of course but it also meant that we would be buying the other two or three items that I had bought without her seeing them. And a pile of skimpy undies. Roll on the adult store tomorrow.
The next day we were back to Love Unlimited. It was only a couple of streets away and after a lazy morning we were in there about lunchtime. It was a little busier than the first time but still not crowded. There were about six guys slowing perusing the shelves. Joe greeted us as we walked through the door. ‘It’s Susan isn’t it. That was the name?’
‘Yes,’ she said. ‘We thought we would come back and have another look around. I am not sure that we will be buying much.’
‘That’s okay, Mosey around as much as you like and remember twenty percent off if you are interested. You know how.’
I swear Susan blushed a little. We strolled around the top floor looking at the toys and the DVDs. Some of the guys seemed to follow us with their eyes, a couple just looked embarrassed if we caught their eye. Joe obviously was not that much of a perve as he was just busy making a few phone calls. We both knew we were here for downstairs and the clothes and after a while Susan said ‘Shall we just have a quick look downstairs.’ Who was she trying to kid.
While Susan checked the baskets of cheap undies out I went straight to the clothes on the racks. I couldn’t see Susan picking any of the see-through panties or bras to try on. I swear there was a better selection on the racks than last time. I was admiring a French maids costume. Along-side that there was an outfit which just appeared to be a selection of leather straps, a dress made entirely of brass-type rings, hanging in chains from a ring necklace and a short black elasticated type dress with what appeared to be a big hole around the tummy surrounded by zips. There were slim packets of clothes, sealed up, fit all sizes, that bore titles like ‘Arresting Police,’ ‘Schoolgirl,’ ‘Santa’s Little Helper,’ ‘Nursey Nursey,’ and ‘Arabian Nights.’ There were boxes of body-stockings of all shapes and sizes, some from neck to toe others with stockings attached. I couldn’t possibly encourage Susan to try any of this lot on here in the shop, could I?
I thought I would be better off to leave it to her. After all, if we were going to get twenty percent off we could buy a lot of these without trying them on first, surely. ‘Look you will look lovely in any of this stuff, or even better not in any of it,’ I quipped. ‘I will let you choose if you want to try anything on and what you want to buy. None of it is stuff that you would wear out of the flat and most of it you will only wear once, to try to embarrass Joanne. Not that I am trying to discourage you. Any of these will push our ratings up.’
I wandered back upstairs where Joe was sitting rubbing his greasy paws together. ‘Chosen much to try on has she?’
‘I don’t know. It is up to her. ‘
After a short while she came up with a basket of stuff with a few clothes on top. I could see the black elasticated dress lying on top.
‘Here,’ she said to Joe. ‘I am going to try these three things on and buy the rest of the things in the basket. Okay?’
‘Sure, he said. ‘Take your time, absolutely no rush. Here is the key.’
I noticed four more guys come in who had obviously been rushing. Perhaps they had to get back to their work after lunch.
Joe greeted them like friends. ‘Hi John, how’s it hanging Pete? Nice to see you all again this week. They grinned. I realised what the phone calls had been about. He was calling in friends to watch Susan on the catwalk. Having seen the look on Susan’s face I was sure they were not going to be disappointed.
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