Adventures of a Mailgirl Ch. 06

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The True Life Adventures of a Mailgirl

Chapter 6 – I Hope So

By Periculum Fabula

Editing assistance by SliceReality and ExperiencedStoryteller



Stepping out of the shower, Anne looked herself over in the full length mirror. What she saw as a nervous young woman, dripping wet, with washboard abs, a shaved hooch, small but firm boobs, excellent muscle tone, and almost no body fat. Looking at her body was reassuring, particularly as Anne had just agreed to live and work nude for the next two years as a mailgirl. The reflection of herself nude in the mirror, would be what the rest of the world would see when they looked at Anne. It was her uniform, what Jamie and the Mailgirl Program had referred to as her “skinsuit,” and she would be wearing her skinsuit, and only her skinsuit, 24/7 for the next 728 days.

Turning around, Anne glanced over her shoulder to see if the marks Ms. Hayashi’s riding crop had left on her buttocks were still visible. Although not as bad as she feared, faint marks were still visible.

Drying off from her morning shower, Anne noticed a woman standing in the Mailgirl Room. Discarding the towel, Anne walked over to introduce herself. “Hi, I’m Anne.”

The woman blushed slightly at the sight of Anne’s nude body and failed to make eye contact. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt,” the stranger said, “go ahead.” The stranger looked away as if to give Anne privacy.

“Actually, I’m not going to get dressed.”

“Oh, I guess not.” More embarrassed by Anne’s nudity than was Anne, reluctantly, the stranger looked up and held out her hand. “I’m Dakota Collins, the Director of the Mailgirl Program.”

Anne shook Dakota’s hand. “Where’s Jamie?”

“She had a meeting first thing this morning. Anyway, I wanted to personally come down here and meet you.”

Anne hoped Jamie’s meeting was with CEO Jim Dillard. “Will Ms. Hayashi be joining us this morning?”

“No, it’ll just be the two of us.”

Anne seemed relieved. “What will we be doing?”

“Today it begins; today you’ll start delivering mail. We’ll spend the morning by introducing you to some of the department heads and service personnel, then we’ve got a photographer setting up in the cafeteria to get some publicity stills at noon, and then, after lunch, we’ll get you started as a security courier.”

After a couple of boiled eggs and a glass of tomato juice, the women left the Mailgirl Room, Dakota dressed in a neatly pressed women’s suit and heels and Anne in her skinsuit and bare feet. Her skin still slightly moist and her hair somewhat damp from her shower, the chill of the basement and cold concrete covered Anne’s skin with goosebumps, firmed her nipples, and brought a shiver down her spine.

Upon arriving at their first stop, the Building and Grounds Department, Dakota started to open the door before Anne stopped her.

“Wait.” Anne took one last nervous look at herself in the reflection of the glass. Staring at her reflection as she stood naked by the fully clothed Dakota didn’t allay any of Anne’s fears. She looked nervous, exposed, and out of place.

“Are you ready?”


Dakota opened the door, put her hand on Anne’s back, and gave her a gentle push though the threshold. Upon entering, the women caught the entire crew of 70 or so men at their morning briefing; startled, Supervisor Jake Winston stopped his briefing and looked up at the naked mailgirl; all of the Building and Grounds crew quickly glanced over their shoulders, looking upon Anne with a mixture of surprise and glee. Instantly a cheer erupted.

The chill of the air was instantly replaced by the warmth of Anne’s blush.

Mr. Winston motioned for the women to come forward. “Come on up. Meet the guys.”

As the women passed through the gathering, the cheering quickly turned into a standing ovation.

As the crowd quieted, Dakota said, “everyone, I’d like to introduce TRG’s first mailgirl, Mailgirl Number 3.”

Over 80% male, the crowd of janitors, carpenters, painters, electricians, plumbers, and other tradesmen, resumed their enthusiastic cheering and clapping. Red faced with embarrassment and wearing a bashful but very appreciative smile, Anne fought back the urge to cover herself.

“For privacy reasons, we won’t be using her real name but you’ll be able to determine each mailgirl’s number by her mailgirl badge. Anne why don’t you turn around and show them your badge.”

As Anne turned around to show the wildly appreciative audience her backside, the men burst into more cheering and clapping.


“We’re pushing Anne too you’re too hard, too quickly,” Jamie said. “She’s fragile; she’ll quit. We’ve got to take this slower. Jim, I’ve only got one mailgirl and we can’t beat the crap out of her on the first day.”

“She consented,” CEO Dillard said.

“That just gives you the mecidiyeköy escort right to do it but her consent still doesn’t make beating on her a good idea. We’ve got to ease her into this; make better decisions. Anne’s gotta get something out of it. She joined to be a mailgirl and show off her tight little ass. We’ve got to primarily gratify her fantasy, not yours, or she’ll leave. There’d be nothing in it for her.”


“I’m not saying we’ve gotta give up the corporal punishment entirely but for Christ sake wait until the girl’s gotten over the shock and she’s had a chance to mentally invest herself in the Program.”

Dillard thought for a moment. “What is it that you want? To be in on the decision making process? Is that what you are asking for?”

Not having really thought about exactly what she wanted other than to, at least temporarily, end Anne’s floggings, Jamie thought about Dillard’s question for a moment. “Yeah, that’s what I’m asking for.”

Dillard smiled a smug grin, the type of grin people have when they’re up to something. OK, Jamie, I have a proposal for you.”

“A proposal?” Jamie questioned.

“I was going to run something by you anyway and I’ll just add your demands to the deal.”

“What deal?”

“OK, I’ll let you on the Mailgirl Committee and I’ll run every change past you under one condition.”

Alarmed, Jamie sat back in her chair and stared at Dillard in silence. He wouldn’t want a new condition unless there was something in it for him and something in it for him meant getting something from Jamie, something big and Dillard rarely gave a proposal that wasn’t massively in his favor.

“OK, I’ll bite, what do you want?”

“I want you to sign a new contract.”

Dillard slid a document across the desk to Jamie. Suspicious, she began reading. “No, this is a mailgirl contract.” Jamie shook her head. “No way, there’s no way I’m parading my pussy all around this building.”

“It’s not a mailgirl contract; it’s an employment contract with a mailgirl option. You’ll note that I don’t have the option to exercise your mailgirl provision, only the Director of the Mailgirl Program does and I promise not to pressure her. She won’t get any favors or any punishment for exercising or not exercising your option. I’ll leave the decision entirely in her hands.”

“Who’s gonna be the director?”

“I’ve already hired her, she’s a friend of yours, Dakota Collins.”

Stunned, Jamie almost laughed. “I can’t believe you got Dakota to do it.”

“It wasn’t easy.”

“So what’s my role?” Jamie asked.

“Recruiting and Assistant Mailgirl Program Director.”

Jamie looked at the contract again. “No, I’ll take the job but not the contract. You wouldn’t have put that clause in the contract if you didn’t think that there was some way that you could exercise it. I’m not gonna to be your little-naked slave girl.”

“I’m not just asking you to sign a mailgirl option, everyone in the Program is signing.”

Jamie looked skeptical. “Everyone? I’ll bet you didn’t get Dakota to sign a mailgirl contract.”

“What do you want to bet?” Dillard opened his desk drawer and slid another contract toward Jamie.

“You’re shitting me.”

“Read it yourself.”

Jamie read Dakota’s contract and then turned her attention back to Dillard. “So if I sign your contract, I get to work in the Mailgirl Program for the next two years and I’m on the Mailgirl Committee?”

“Yes, but if you don’t sign, you won’t work with the Mailgirl Program at all.”

Jamie tried to act as if Dillard’s threat meant nothing to her but she fooled no one. Thus far, the mailgirl program had been nothing short of orgasmic, pure sexual pleasure. Jamie had taken great delight in getting Anne to strip and then walk her up to the psychological exam. Seeing that hard-bodied benefits rep tremble in front of her in panic and humiliation in the stairway had been such an enormous rush.

And, with Anne living confined, naked, anxious, and lonely in the basement for the next two years, Jamie felt her chances of taking her friendship with Anne to a new level, namely horizontal, were at least fair, probably better. Even thinking about the opportunity of running her hand’s anywhere she wanted to on Anne’s marvelously athletic physique caused Jamie to lick her lips in anticipation. There wasn’t any part of Anne’s body that Jamie didn’t want to, in some way, explore. Convinced that the sexually repressed triathlete was pressure packed with sexual energy waiting to explode, Jamie was equally convinced, that she was just the woman to help Anne discover the full potential of her sexuality.

Jamie imagined slowly sliding her hand up Anne’s inner thigh, softly squeezing her nipples between her fingers, caressing her tight buttocks, and kissing Anne. The fantasy was so real that Jamie could almost taste Anne on her lips. Loving foreplay, Jamie imagined teasing, touching, cuddling, stroking, escort bayan taksim kissing, and fondling until Anne could take no more and begged Jamie to finish it. Envisioning Anne trembling in orgasmic contractions and thrashing about the mattress as well as visualizing what she’d look like in the afterglow, naked, sweaty, limp, and exhausted, had Jamie salivating to sign the contract despite the risks. Based on what had happened over the last 48 hours, Jamie knew that working in the Mailgirl Program for the next two years was going to be an incredible sexual thrill ride; an experience that may be impossible for her just to walk away from.

Yet, the risks in signing the new contract were intolerable. If there was one woman in the entire world that Jim Dillard would love to have naked and under his complete control, it would be her. If there was any way Dillard could exercise Jamie’s option, he’d do it and billionaires usually get their way. Dillard’s plans for her would be unimaginably humiliating. Jamie would pay dearly for having forsaken him in favor of women as well as her numerous other transgressions. Nevertheless, the chance to work with the Mailgirl Program was captivating.

“You and I both know you can’t turn this down,” Dillard said.

Dillard believed that he had Jamie over a barrel and he might be right Jamie thought. She loved the dominate role in her romantic relationships. Finding the submissive, bringing out her deferential nature, causing the prey to having emotional and sexual dependency with her, and then slowly talking her prey into greater and greater acts of servitude until Jamie’s submissive was completely enslaved. Suddenly between girlfriends/slaves, Jamie would love to trade up and replace Karen with Anne. The Mailgirl Program could provide Jamie with everything she ever wished for sexually and so much more. Clearly Dillard was using the Mailgirl Program to bait Jamie but the bait was delicious and Jamie was ravenous for a taste.

Dillard interrupted Jamie’s thoughts, “you know we make a great team.”

Jamie tried to fight back a smile but couldn’t. Although she didn’t want to admit it, Dillard was right, they made a great team. It was Jamie that could pick a repressed submissive out of a crowd and it was Jamie that could talk that submissive right out of her clothes. Further, the idea to box Anne up and ship her to the apartment and to the tattoo parlor was all Jamie’s doing. She’d always fantasized about shipping a naked woman in a box as freight and wasn’t about to miss the opportunity to do so with Anne.

The satisfaction of actually crating and shipping Anne had far exceeded Jamie’s expectations. The entire experience, designing the box, planning every detail of the delivery, briefing the movers, crating the tight-bodied triathlete in that little box, loading her on the truck, and inspecting the cargo, was so incredibly erotic and unbelievably fun. The expression on Anne’s face was priceless. Jamie couldn’t wait to box up and ship another mailgirl; she even had some ideas to improve on the fantasy but it was an opportunity which would never come to pass unless she signed Dillard’s contract.

As much as Jamie accused Dillard of being the perverse sexual deviant that he was for wanting the Mailgirl Program, both of them knew that she wanted it just as much as he did, if not more. Where else would Jamie get a job where she would be able to order around attractive naked girls all day? Where else could Jamie manage a harem of handpicked submissives women in the basement and force them to live and work completely nude? It’s not like the mailgirl job was a good job, the mailgirl job was a once in a lifetime opportunity.

The risks of signing Dillard’s mailgirl contract were ludicrously high, yet the potential rewards of being on the management team of the Mailgirl Program were even more enticing. Jamie had no question that Dillard had set a trap for her, now all that was to be determined was whether Jamie could steal the cheese. Surely her good friend Dakota wouldn’t sell Jamie out to Dillard and his sick fantasies. As Jamie considered her options a smile worked its way onto her face. She took a deep breath, ran her fingers through her hair, and exhaled. “I know I’m gonna regret this and I mean really regret this.”

Dillard offered Jamie a pen. “I hope so,” Dillard said and Jamie signed.


Although Anne’s introduction the Building and Grounds department had been enormously successful, the remainder of the departments varied in their welcome of Anne. Many of the department heads seemed uneasy with her presence and uncomfortable with Anne’s presence and treated her with caution. It was as if they didn’t quite know the proper business etiquette for greeting a naked employee. A few of the women seemed offended, even hostile, and their greeting of Anne was decidedly curt.

As Jamie and Anne were exiting the stairwell onto the 10th floor, one of TRG’s attorneys was just leaving the escort legal department headed in their direction. As the man looked up he caught sight of the skinsuit clad mailgirl and his eyes widened in alarm.

“Oh my God!” In a panic, the lawyer darted back in the legal department and locked the door.

“Wasn’t that one of our lawyers?” Anne asked.

“It’s a delicate subject,” Dakota explained. “The in-house legal department doesn’t want anything to do with the Mailgirl Program. They don’t even want to acknowledge its existence and are threatening to quit if they have to work with us.”

“That doesn’t sound like a good thing,” Anne said.

Dakota shrugged. “It’s something we’re working on. I think once the program gets going I think they’ll come around. If you have any deliveries for legal, leave it across the hall at Accounting. For all legal services, the Mailgirl Program will be using Jackson M. Reynolds a lawyer with Smith, Garrison, & Reynolds. He’s more familiar with mailgirl programs than our in-house attorneys.”

By the time Anne and Dakota started to enter the Accounting Department on the 10th floor, Jamie caught up with them, smiled, and gave Anne a big hug.

“Good news,” Jamie said. “No more training.”

Greatly relieved, Anne hugged Jamie back. “I don’t know how to thank you.”

Although she could fantasize a number most delightful ways in which Anne could express her gratitude, Jamie kept them to herself. “I just want you to be happy. You’re a fantastic mailgirl and I’m just glad to be able to help.”

“So no more beatings?”

Jamie’s hug slackened, she lost her smile, and she hesitated for a moment. “I can’t say that. Physical correction is still possible for discipline or tardy deliveries.”

Anne looked highly concerned. “Possible?” The word “possible” sounded ominous, like a euphemism for “probable” or “a certainty” to Anne.

Jamie stepped back from the hug, took Anne’s hands and gave them a squeeze. “I’m still working on that piece of it but it’s just gonna to take a little longer. Just give it time.”

That was easy for Jamie to say Anne thought. Jamie wasn’t the one standing bare-ass in the hall with the possibility of getting her buttocks whipped every day for the next two years. Her ass was still a little red from the day before and people were staring at it and whispering to each other. Apparently everyone in the building knew that she took a flogging yesterday and, not only did everyone want to see the results, they appeared to be quite entertained by it.

As a group of women passed they looked away but when Jamie looked over her shoulder, she caught the women glancing back at her ass, giggling, and whispering. If anyone had sympathy for her plight, they hid it well. Adding to Anne’s growing sense of isolation was a touch of paranoia. The women in particular seemed to take great satisfaction in seeing the marks as if to vindicate their loathing of both Anne and the Mailgirl Program.

Jamie gave the fearful and naked mailgirl another big hug while she whispered in Anne’s ear, “Trust me. It’s gonna be alright. I’ll take care of it.” Holding the embrace a little longer and a little tighter this time, Jamie allowed her hand to slide down Anne’s back a foot, just to the top of her butt cheek, and then a few inches more before giving Anne a final reassuring squeeze. “Just give me time. I’m gonna take good care of you.”

As another small group of people passed, whispering to each other, they smiled, almost laughing, but never made eye contact or said anything to Anne, not so much as a nod. Everything that was whispered between them appeared to be a deliberate attempt to conceal what they were saying about her from Anne. The fact that their whimsical indifference to Anne’s feelings were rude seemed to be of no moment to them.

“Don’t worry,” Jamie said. “They’re just checking out your skinsuit and wishing they had something to wear that looked even remotely that sexy.”

Anne glanced back when she heard the people stop and saw the entire group was looking at her ass while one of the women was photographing it. Looking only slightly guilty that they had been caught, amidst a few giggles and more whispers, the group turned and kept moving.

Taking over for Dakota, Jamie led Anne into the Accounting Department. Word of the tour had traveled quickly as the entire department had stopped what they were doing and watched intently as the Jamie and Anne entered. With a serious look and in silence, like a bunch of deer in headlights, everyone carefully studied Anne’s body, mostly her derriere. Overcome by a rush of embarrassment, Anne turned to the door before Jamie caught her by the shoulders.

“Be brave,” Jamie whispered as she turned Anne around and gave a little push in the right direction.

Anne’s eyes nervously shot back from one side of the room to the other. “Is that how they usually are?”

“Pretty much. Nothing to worry about. They do a lot of overtime and don’t get out a lot.”

A man approached. Slightly built, mid-forties with a big grin, a homely face, and glasses with the thickest lenses Anne had ever seen, the department head looked like living proof that masturbation could cause blindness.

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